Let Me Tell You
A Little Bit About Me
I'm guessing you're a little curious about me. You're probably wanting to know who this person is who's telling you all about crochet and felting?
Well - here goes...My name is Jill Wright. I was born & raised in Newcastle Upon Tyne, England. I lived there, went to school there and worked there for my first 30 years.
I have always loved crafting. I've tried many, many crafts over the years. My Mom taught me to knit at about age 6 or so. A neighbor down
the road taught me to crochet at age 8. By age 9 I was knitting and
crocheting baby clothes to earn my Brownie badges.
I started designing early at about age 14 or so. I remember knitting a top in cotton for a vacation to Florida. I used to just make things up as I went along, never writing down what I did. I snip here, a cut there - stitch it up - DONE! My Mom would laugh at me, but things usually worked out just fine.
My Mom also taught me to sew as she trained at College as a Needlework
Teacher. I have also done some Machine Knitting and have 2 knitting machines - one bulky, one standard gauge.
I also sew, and have made clothes for myself and others for many years - everything from hats to trousers, skirts to shirts, fleece mittens to tailored jackets. I have 3 sewing machines - a serger, a regular
machine and an embroidery machine.
You still want more information about me? Ok - I've done a college course
about designing clothing and I also completed the first year of a BA degree course at Leeds University - the course was "Textile Management".
There I learned about commercial processes, fibers, spinning and production, yarns, machine knitting and weaving.
Some other crafts I've enjoyed are Rubber Stamping (card making & scrapbooking),
macrame, kumihimo (Japanese braidmaking), beading, and jewellery making. I've
tried many crafts, but always come back to the yarn and fiber-based ones.
I also have a carder and spinning wheel and I hand spin yarn and do felting.
Do I have time for anything else? Well - I'm Mom to 2 boys whom I love so dearly. They are still very young and I delight in their antics. They really make me laugh! When my boys came along I knew I had to be at home for them. No more going out to work for me!
But, I felt something was missing. I had to try to find something I could work at from home - something just for me, something to make me feel useful, and that's how this website came about.
Can I tell you more about me and my site now? Thanks! I was desperate to try to make some money myself again. It's not easy, as many of you will know,
to be a stay at home Mom after having had the freedom to work. I felt I still needed to try to earn some money myself. I was starting to get dragged
into the web of "get rich quick" schemes on the internet. I'd bought an e-book which made all these internet money-making schemes sound so easy.
I was about to spill some more money on another scheme when I discovered
something called Sitesell.
This place told me that I could build a profitable business around
an interest of mine. Yeah right!
I was totally sceptical. How could I possibly have a business about
crafts or crafting without having a store or something like it? Many times I went back to read more about the philosophies of this site. There
was so much information - I felt I was in "information overload".
BUT I really wanted to try to build a business by myself. I've
always relished a challenge. I had tried making jewellery to sell
at craft fairs. I had tried making fleece hats and sold them at an
outdoor center where I used to work. I had tried designing and making lined mohair jackets I was going to try selling at the Ski Resorts. Could I really have a business based on supplying
information about one of my passions?
This site told me in no uncertain terms the answer was "YES!"
Hmmmmmmm! I became more and more interested, read more information late into
the night for many nights. I hummed and haaa'd, thought some more
and finally took the plunge. I bought a 'site', or rather site space, plus all the background information I could possibly need which would allow me to build a successful website all on my own.
So - here I was with masses of information to wade though and the promise that my brains and motivation were all I needed to build myself
a business. Then I could be a
Work At Home Mom instead of a Stay At Home Mom.
Did I know the first thing about building a website - NO WAY! I could
send emails, copy, paste, and other basic stuff, but I hadn't a clue
what 'html' or SEO's were, but I was willing to learn.
Now look where I am! I so love working on this site. It has so much of
me in it. It's my way to try to help others discover, learn and
enjoy crafts that I just couldn't be without. Also it's an 'adult' thing
for me. After a day full of 'play' and 'kid talk' I can sit and totally
enjoy creating pages which I know will help others enjoy the crafts I
so enjoy.
If you too might be interested in a website of your own, check out this information and learn just what you can do with the knowledge you already have.
You can check out a videotour of Sitesell by clicking on the tv image below.

If you'd like a free e-book about working at home with your own website, go to this page, scroll down to the bottom and you'll find the download spot there.
This page also gives you information which allows you to share this site with others. Help spread the word about the information you find useful.
I do hope you can share my enjoyment and enthusiasm for crochet, felting and my website. I also hope that all of you who visit this site leave with something useful that will help you to enjoy your crafts, and maybe even life in general, more deeply in the future.
Best Regards...
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